Fall and Winter Vs Spring and Summer
Advantages of Buying a Home
Majority of the population buys and sells in the spring and summer market. If the most of population are Buying and Selling at the same time it drives competition and higher prices in the marketplace. Do you like to pay more for a home? Would you like to pay less? Wouldn’t you like it if you got a home with your terms in mind? Get that home inspection or have that mortgage contingency. If your still not convinced there are advantages to buying a home in the fall or winter here are a few more reason.
Fall or Winter Advantages of buying
1) Save some money
Buying in the fall or winter you will save some money, and here is why.
Basic supply and demand Theory. Less demand means less money on the table. If you are a buyer it could translate into a lot of savings. Lower down payments, better rates and better closing costs that couldn’t be offered to a buyer in the spring. In addition, if a buyer wants to avoid the bidding war or getting the home for fair market value then fall and winter is the time to make those goals a reality. Fall home prices are often lower with less demand in the marketplace.
2) Weather
Spring and Summer the weather is super nice. The sun is out and temperatures are warmer. It’s easy to get out of the house and look at the property. Fall and Winter its colder outside and might require more effort to go look at that property. Do you ever notice how hard it is to find a parking space in the winter? Bad weather makes someone stay home vs go out. Buyer walk’s up to a home in the spring and summer there are plenty of items seller might put out to distract you. Curb appeal might distract you from key exterior features of the home. The Fall and Winter allow you to really look at the exterior of the home closely.
3) Flexibility
You might be able to buy a home and close on a timetable that works for you. Buyers can really do your homework on a home. Buyers who run into a glitch you’re more likely to find the seller is willing to work with you. If you want to get a contractor into the home and you have to make a separate appointment for it you’re more likely to find a seller to be more accommodating.
4) Meet the neighbors
You might be able to actually meet your neighbors. Spring and Summer they might be at the beach, down on the cape making the neighborhood feel like a ghost town. Fall and Winter you might actually meet your new potential neighbors. Meeting the neighbors you can ask them questions you might not feel comfortable asking an agent. The neighbors might be a great indication are you moving into an area that matches your lifestyle. If you have children you might want a neighborhood with several families living on the street. Spring and summer you subsequently to know if a neighborhood is a family oriented because they might be at the camp during the summer months. The cooler months your more likely to tell if a condo is loud or quiet since they are more likely to be home.
5) Getting Help on Hand
The colder months its a lot easier to get Comcast to come by and set up your cable. Its a lot easier to book a handyman to fix items, Movers are easier and often cheaper during the fall and winter since there is less business to be made. Home Inspectors might be cheaper, and they might do a more in-depth home inspection. The Inspector might catches flaws in the home that may not have appeared in the spring and summer. Buyers in the winter can sometimes see potential pricey headaches that can be avoided in the first place looking in the fall or winter. Here are some examples, does the home need a new roof? Do Pipes have issues? These items will show up any time of the year, but the severity of item might shed a bigger light in the fall and winter vs spring or summer.

462 Shawmut Avenue unit 2
6) Adding style to your new home
Fall and Winter there are often great deals on home decor so your likely to save money in every room in your home if you need to buy furniture items. It’s not just furniture that might be cheaper but everything from custom closets, painters, furniture, bedding which includes mattresses could all be a lot cheaper.
7) Time is on your timetable, not someone else
Wouldn’t it be nice if you could take your time in the first place, and make sure you’re buying a home that is a sound investment in the first place? You can buy a home you feel good about. You and your agent can really make sure every single detail you have can be addressed and addressed well. Spring and Summer you don’t always get that.
These are just a few reasons why buying in the fall and winter is a great time to buy a home. Although it might not be ideal for sellers to tell you the truth. Spring and summer the market is often in their favor. Fall and Winter it is a great time of the year for a buyer. In today’s real estate market buyers need all the breaks they can get. Spring and Summer can be a seller market bringing more stress to the buyer along with disappointment. I know I want to make every client’s dream come true. Fall and winter is a great time of year to make some dreams come true. Contact me.
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